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Meditashon Trasendental i Salú
Hopi dòkter i profeshonal di salú ta praktiká Meditashon Trasendental nan mes i ta rekomend'e na nan pashèntnan.
Tur kaminda den e paginanan aki bo por lesa pregunta i kontesta ku dòkter tokante un kantidat amplio di kondishonnan médiko. Pruebanan sientífiko ku ta kompará direktamente Meditashon Trasendental ku otro programanan a saka ‘fo ku e ta mas efektivo den trese den bida diario di un manera duradero i pa tempu largu, relahashon i redukshon di hormon di strès i mas efektivo den promové un bida saludabel largu.

"I learnt TM 25 years ago and without doubt it is the best thing I ever did. I have no idea how I would have managed as a full time GP without this technique to reduce stress and charge up my batteries. I have seen literally thousands of people gain benefit from TM and recommend it without hesitation."
Dr Elizabeth Young, GP