Promoviendo un Kurason Salú

Investigashon ta demostrá ku práktika regular di Meditashon Trasendental ta baha strès físiko i ta promové i mantené un kurason salú

Strès ta hasi daño na e kurason

Strès psikológiko a demostrá di ta oumentá aktivashon di e sistema nervioso simpátiko i e as di e hipotálamo-pituitario-adrenal. E aktivashon oumentá aki ta deskargá adrenalina, noradrenalina i kortisol, ku ta kondusí na un ritmo kardiako más rápido, oumento di produkshon kardiako, i arteria mas smal.

E kambionan aki na nan turno ta krea preshon oumentá.Aktivashon di e sistemanan aki tambe ta aselerá progreso di aterosklerosis i por kondusí na ruptura di plaka agudo, loke ta resultá den isquemia di e kurason (angina di pecho)i enfermedat koronario di kurason i atake serebral.

MT ta promove un kurason salú

Práktika dos-bia diario di e téknika di Meditashon Trasendental ta redusí aktivashon di e sistema nervioso simpátiko, lokual na su turno ta hancha e ardunan i ta redusí hormona di strès, manera adrenalina, noradrenalina i kortisol, i ta duna alivio di strès. Investigashon publiká ta konfirmá ku MT ta:

  • Baha preshon haltu
  • Baha aterosklerosis
  • Baha biramentu smal di ardu
  • Baha biramentu diki di arteria koronario
  • Baha uso di medikamentu antihipertensivo
  • Baha tasa di mortalidat

Investigashon Sientífiko

Fayo kongestivo di kurason

Baha faktornan kardiako

Strès i kurason


Investigashon riba Enfermedat di Kurason

Instituto Nashonal di Salú na Merka a otorgá mas ku 20 miyon dòler pa studia efekto di e programa di Meditashon Trasendental riba prevenshon i trato di enfermedat di kurason, hipertenshon, i atake serebral. Adishonalmente, a hasi sentenares di otro estudio riba efekto benefisioso di e programa di MT pa mente, salú, komportashon, i komunidat na mas ku 210 universidat independiente i instituto di investigashon na 33 pais, inkluiendo Harvard, Yale, i UCLA Skol Médiko.

  • Reduced High Blood Pressure & Death Rates - American Journal of Cardiology
  • Reduced High Blood Pressure & Reduced Hypertensive Medication - American Journal of Hypertension
  • Reduced Atherosclerosis - American Journal of Cardiology
  • Reduced Thickening of Coronary Arteries - The American Heart Association's Stroke
  • Reduced Constriction of Blood Vessels - Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Reduced Blood Pressure - International Journal of Neuroscience
  • Reduced Myocardial Eschemia - American Journal of Cardiology
  • Slowing of Aging - International Journal of Neuroscience
  • Stress Relief - Integrative Cancer Therapies
  • Reduced Hospitalization Rates -American Journal of Managed Care
  • Decreased Medical CareUtilization and Hospitalization - Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Increased Creativity - Journal of Creative Behavior
  • Improved Memory - Memory and Cognition
  • Increased Intelligence - Intelligence
  • Decreased Anxiety - Journal of Clinical Psychology
  • Reduced Alcohol Abuse - American Journal of Psychiatry
  • Increased Productivity - Academy of Management Journal
  • Reduced Blood Pressure:Comparisons with Other Procedures - The American Heart Association's Hypertension