Mitonan Tokante Meditashon Trasendental

No ta trata di kontròl di mente òf disiplina mental.

Meditashon Trasendental ta fundamentalmente diferente for di otro formanan di meditashon. E no ta kontròl di mente òf disiplina mental; e no ta konsentrashon òf filosofia oriental. E no ta trata di purba di ta konsiente. Bo no tin ku kontrolá bo respirashon òf múskulonan. Bo no tin ku ni purba di relahá. Bo ta siña un téknika ku ta fasilitá un proseso kompletamente natural – un abilidat ku ta inskribí den naturalesa dje mente. Esaki yama trasendé.

E ta fasil pa praktiká i disfrutá

Meditashon Trasendental no ta eksigí esfuerso intelektual. Tur hende por praktik'é – hasta mucha. Ora bo ta meditá, bo ta sinta komodamente ku wowo será, den silensio, sin nesesidat pa tuma niun postura difisil. Tur kos ku bo mester sa nos ta splika durante e kurso.

Sin konflikto di interes

Meditashon Trasendental ta un téknika simpel ku ta yuda relahá, ta aliviá strès i ta duna energia físiko i mental. E práktika no ta den konflikto ku niun kreensia eksistente, religion òf di otro manera. E téknika ta partikularmente apropiá pa un forma di bida oksidental okupá, moderno. De fakto mas okupá nos bira, mas importante ta bira pa nos tuma tempu pa sosegá di un manera apropiá.

Video: TM enhances brain's executive functioning

TM Improves the Brain's Executive Functioning -8 mins
Dr Alarik Arenander, Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition

Tuma e
prome paso

Maestronan sertifiká na Korsou


Tel: 599 9 560 8520

Gary Kaplan, MD

Gary P Kaplan
Associate Professor of Neurology at New York University School of Medicine

"If you have a technique that you practise 20 minutes twice a day, a technique that allows you to be dynamic in your activity and yet not to accumulate the stress that wreaks havoc on your health, then you have a key to better health."

Steve Collins, actor

Steve Collins, Actor.  
Best known for his role as Commander Willard Decker in Star Trek: The Movie

"What I love about the TM technique is that it doesn't require any other changes in your life for it to work."