A natural solution to anxiety and depression

Both anxiety and depression are extremely common, yet a simple solution may be at hand. For some, stressful or discouraging events produce short-lived symptoms; but for others, anxiety and depression can be on-going and relentless, making normal daily life impossible. Transcendental Meditation provides a natural solution to help you overcome anxiety and depression.

TM breaks the vicious circle

Dealing with anxiety and depression can be a long-term challenge and even a vicious circle, where the less we are able to cope, the more anxious or depressed we become.

Journal of Clinical Psychology 1989 45:957-974

Twice as effective as other techniques

What distinguishes TM is its holistic effect. It is like watering the root of a plant instead of just tending the leaves. Scientific research has shown that the deep relaxation gained from Transcendental Meditation settles mind and body so that the nervous reaction to stress is lessened. Subsequently,...more

Always take medical advice

If you feel that anxiety or depression is seriously disrupting your life, you should consult your GP. Transcendental Meditation is complementary to any medical approaches to managing anxiety and depression. However you should never substitute practising TM for proper medical advice, and ...

  • Always take the advice of your doctor.
  • Never decrease any medication unless advised by your doctor to do so.

Meditation Saved Me from Suicide
- Luke Jensen, War Veteran (2 mins)

What the doctors say


Scientific Research

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Tel: 599 9 560 8520

Norman Rosenthal MD

Norman Rosenthal, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical School, author of "Transcendence"

"Anxiety in all its various forms will generally respond well to Transcendental Meditation. Even in those people already receiving treatment for anxiety, adding TM to the mix often means that their drug levels can be lowered as their response improves."

A doctor's experience, Dr Michael Musgrave

"In my years as a GP I found TM to be a dignified form of self help for my patients, who often reported benefits such as reduced anxiety, less sense of stress, better sleep, improved wellbeing. It is completely safe and for many people makes a good alternative to time consuming therapies and is likely to reduce the need for medication, and this is consistent with the research findings."