Consciousness and Creativity
(4 mins)
David Lynch, Filmmaker

Konsiensia i Kreatividat

"E téknika di Meditashon Trasendental ta un manera simpel, sin esfuerso pa tira un kabes paden, pa eksperensiá un oséano di konsiensia puro, kreatividat puro, puro saber.
E ta un eksperensia puro, pero tambe hopi konosí – e ta bo propio Ser."

David Lynch, produktor di sine i presidente di Fundashon pa Enseñansa Basá riba Konsiensia i Pas Mundial

Oumentá inteligensia i kreatividat

Bo serebro no a bini kompletamente asemblá na nasementu. Pa medio di e proseso natural di madurá i eksperensia, na kada momento bo serebro ta keda kreá di nobo, pa sostene tur bo pensamentu, toma di desishon i komportashon. Kreashon kontinuo di bo serebro ta un proseso dinámiko. .

E eksperensia di sosiegu alerto durante Meditashon Trasendental ta krea e kondishon óptimo pa desaroyá bo potensha kompletu, pa inteligensia i kreatividat máksimo di un manera kompletamente sin esfuerso, mientras e ta prevení efektonan dañino di strès riba e serebro.

The Journal of Creative Behaviour
1979 13:169–180

Efekto di Meditashon Trasendental

Personanan ku a siña Meditashon Trasendental a mustra mas kreatividat den komparashon ku e grupo di kontrol, midí pa medio di un nivel mas haltu di originalidat piktóriko despues di sinku luna di práktika. Nan a mustra tambe mas kreatividat, midí pa nivel mas haltu di fleksibilidat piktóriko i fluides verbal (no den e gráfiko)

video: Oprah on TM

The Transcending Brain -6 mins
Dr Fred Travis, Director, Center for Brain Consciousness and Cognition

Tuma e
prome paso

Maestronan sertifiká na Korsou


Tel: 599 9 560 8520

Claire Winteringham
Professional artist

"I think painting in watercolours is quite a pure art form. You need space in your head, clarity of mind, some silence to do it. For me, Transcendental Meditation really helps in this way and allows my work to flow with more creativity, more spontaneity."

Jane Bence
Primary school teacher

"Transcendental Meditation gives me the inner resources to cope with a demanding job as a primary school teacher. Creative ideas come naturally and I am able to respond more effectively to each child's needs. There is an easy flow of communication between myself and the children and many people comment on the happy and settled atmosphere in the classroom. I know that this is just a reflection of the happy and settled feeling that TM creates in me morning and evening."