Official Transcendental Meditation website

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
What is Transcendental Meditation?
Transcendental Meditation is the purest, simplest, and most effective form of meditation the world has known.
It is the pure technique of transcending – settling to the simplest, most powerful state of awareness – untainted by any mind control or thought process.
Transcendental Meditation allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to the most silent, peaceful level of consciousness – your innermost Self.
Meditation techniques
How does Transcendental Meditation work?
Transcendental Meditation allows the mind to simply, naturally and effortlessly transcend thinking and to experience a state of restfully alert consciousness. This deeply restful experience of transcending rejuvenates mind and body, leading to a wide range of benefits in daily life.
How it works
How Transcendental Meditation is different
Transcendental Meditation is unique. It is fundamentally different from other systems of meditation and relaxation. A recent study on brain activity during meditation, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition identifies three fundamental categories of meditation: focused attention, open monitoring or mindfulness, and automatic self-transcending - a new category introduced by the authors to describe Transcendental Meditation.